Traci’s Seattle Fun – Food – Friends

On our trip south from Canada we stopped in Seattle to visit our dear friend Traci.  We arrived on a weekend that was forecast as sunny and warm….we thought Seattle Washington…Sunny and Warm?  It was.

Our friend Traci is an entrepreneur chef creating fine dining healthy meals that people can serve at home.  Traci creates a weeks menu and cooks multiple course meals for the days of the week primarily for young executives that have fast paced Seattle lives.  Healthy and delicious, Traci’s meals have become very popular among young urban males.  We spent some time with Traci talking about how she can expand the business to make it even more popular.  A clear winner we think!

So Traci introduced us to her Seattle.  For us it included some marvelous restaurants and two days of exploring why Traci finds Seattle so fun and friendly.

Have a look at Traci’s Seattle

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Click To Visit Traci’s Site

Traci’s Website


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