Jasper Turns 5 Years Old – Many Chill Travelers Experiences

Jasper Turns 5

It is something that we always remember that Jasper and Isabel are also Chill Travelers with their own experiences.  We sometimes wish we could crawl into their minds to really gain their perspective of change.  It is easy to see their wonderment as they experience new things.  Ironically, Isabel seems to embrace change easier than Jasper.  A cat and dog role reversal of sorts, we watch them both as we crusie about the country.

IMG_2223So, Jasper turning 5 has seen his last year as a big transition for him.  He is much more friendly toward other dogs and most notably very open to certain people.  He actually lets some people pet him which is a big deal for our aloof puppy.

Again, change is coming easier to Jasper.  He is a dogs dog with little concern for rain or jumping into a tide pool.  Neither cold or heat bothers him too much and his experiences seem to be logged daily with his personal operating system upgrades after reboot seemingly significant.  Both he and Isabel probably deal with change better then most humans.  Certainly their experience are more diverse then most humans.

So, as a tribute to Jasper’s birthday and his five years of life, we thought it would be interesting and fun to share from his personal log book.  Here are some interesting factoids from Jasper’s World.

  • Jasper has traveled 82,000 miles in five years
  • Jasper has walked approximately 5475 miles in five years
  • Jasper has never lived in a house
  • Jasper’s sister is a cat whom he grooms and wrestles with regularly
  • Jasper has pee’d in 42 states.  Many of them multiple times
  • Jasper has five different Vet’s across the country who share his cloud based health records
  • Jasper has six master groomers that give him a trim depending on where we are
  • Japer rarely stays in puppy hotels because he is with us.  When he does, they are five paws resorts and he is rarely happy to see us when he is picked up
  • Jasper has his own email address and friends regularly email him. (jasper@chilltravelers.com)
  • Jasper has a girlfriend named Kessa that rendezvous with him around North America
  • Jasper has a friend, Miller who lives in Thousand Oaks, but meets up with Jasper all over the country
  • Jasper’s friend Rocco is a biker dog

So Happy Birthday Jasper!

Here are some pics of his favorite birthday celebration.  A walk on his beach.

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