Going to America – New Mexico

It is hard to describe the pure love that Wendy and I have for New Mexico!  There is a airy feeling that fills us and is so hard to describe in words.

Many years ago both of us set out to find something redeeming and rewarding in our lives. Our corporate careers were maxed at very young ages.  By many standards we had fame and success. The reality was that we would trade everything for love.  We did!

So, in 1993, we happened to be in a place where we had both been drawn to.  Santa Fe New Mexico was where we made “First Contact.”  Life changed forever.  Love at first sight!

This past Christmas was a 20 Year reunion of sorts and we spent the holiday in Santa Fe quietly together. It was marvelous and here we are again in our favorite place…New Mexico!

I remember vividly Sunday nights on the motor yacht Dream Warrior preparing for an early morning flight from San Diego to Silicon Valley. Idyllic was my life as a Tech CEO.  The reality was that I was terribly lonely. What a life I had and at the same time, so unhappy.  Then it happened, I met Wendy in Santa Fe at Larry Wilson’s ranch called Pecos.  Pecos means Peace!  Appropriate!

It was also a celebration for us being “job-free” for 22 years.

The message is simple.  Find the one you will love forever and you will have found peace…Pecos!

So again we have a brief stop in the land we love.  Yes, New Mexico is a part of America.  A State of being and a US State!  I say that it is a State because you cannot believe how many we meet that do not know it is a part of the US.  So it is true for most Americans that they have little understanding of what is happening in New Mexico.  Two US National Labs, a Spaceport, the birthplace of the atomic bomb, Leading UAV research, two major film studios and so much more.  Santa Fe rivals just about any destination in the US for the arts and food.  Everywhere you turn is history and progress to the future.  So, it is a funny sad how little people know about the State.  Not to mention, it very friendly happy people.

Onward to Wyoming and Oregon.  Our hearts are forever New Mexico.

Spaceport America, Upham NM

To our biker friends, rocket scientists, adventures and misfits, we look forward to our return to experience what it means to be a passionate American.

Nice to to visit, Nice to be appreciated and nice to be in the land of pure adventure.

See you next time La Cruces!

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