Jasper’s First Four Weeks…Chronicles

Jasper’s first four weeks with us was an adventure for even an adventurer. Can you imagine being a young puppy of just 11 weeks and being whisked away from you family, loaded onto an RV and driven 1500 miles in your first three days. Then a few days in Malibu, then to Long Beach and then onto Anaheim before heading to El Capitan State Beach north of Santa Barbara. Imagine if this was your first few days and weeks of a new family, a new life and where everything you encounter is new except for the two crazy parents and an adopted sister who is a cat. Can you imagine?

Think a bit before you watch the video about experiencing everything new, seeing things you have never scene before, new smells and many terrifying new noises. Jasper is the poster child for adaptability. Despite early on getting only a few hours of sleep, we started to see this little guy mature, lose some of his fears and double in size in just four weeks.

So, as you watch this video of about 11 minutes, realize that what you are seeing is a growing pup over about 4 weeks. Most of all this video is chronological with the exception of the closing shot from our campground near Disneyland.

[flashvideo file=http://www.chilltravelers.com/video/4weeks.f4v /]

The map below captures where we were in Jasper’s first four weeks with us.

[mappress mapid=”20″]

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